My father was a life long mechanic, so I grew up in the garage tinkering with his tools. At an early age of 7 years, I have next to his brand new lawnmower. He was so angry, but he did not punish me. No, it was his idea of punishment, so I saw him back together. So I did, and it actually ran. I am always looking for something to boost my car's performance or to get more gasoline consumption. I even tried gas pills with some success. But I wanted to double my fuel economy is not only 10-20 percentincrease.
There is much talk of hydrogen and fuel cell technology. Many city buses with fuel cell propulsion. The space shuttle fuel used. A normal petrol engine can burn hydrogen. So it is not take a rocket scientist to figure out that if our existing vehicles would be able to power this technology, we are much better off.
What we need is a way to bolt on some sort of device to our current vehicles, which would increase fuel economy and reduce emissions. OneDay I decided to go and find a way to do this. I searched the whole day on Google and saw dozens of terms. I found only that you could actually buy and strap it on yourself. I do not understand it. We know the technology works, that's undeniable. Why is it not available?
Let me tell you a story. It is one of rampant corruption, income protection and government scandal. The story goes thus. Oil companies have to protect massive profits. In the amount of$ 15 - $ 20 billion U.S. dollars per month. Our government in the United States to help them protect their businesses by offering our access to and use of alternative fuels. For example, it is actually illegal for you fuel for use in automotive production. These include bio-diesel, have waste vegetable oil, alcohol, methanol, corn fuel, sugar beet fuel, etc. They have a special license and you must pay taxes on fuel is produced and consumed. Finally, the U.S. government provides 18 billion U.S. dollarsDollars per year in subsidies for oil companies. Riddle me this, why, when they are already) is now the 100 billion U.S. dollars to be paid in one years of profit (after all costs, they still need government subsidy? Should that not be spent 18 billion U.S. dollars per year for alternative energy companies? That part is really scandalous, can alternative energy companies such as solar, wind, hydrogen, etc, do not receive government subsidies.
The reason hydrogen technology will be dampened because of an importantConcept that you need to understand that. Taxes. You can see, not the government from tax something that falls from the sky (water). You can not tax something that is out of your water hose. Thus, hydrogen is subject to, until hell freezes over. A significant part of revenue, or pays roads and improvements come from fuel taxes. Not to mention you are messing with $ 100 billion U.S. dollars a few very large companies profits.
The technology is there, it can be appliedfrom anyone who can use a screwdriver and a spanner. It is not rocket science. Nor is it dangerous to install or operate. You owe it to yourself to explore this exciting technology [ water-as-well-as-fuel-double-your-kilometer]. I am planning to build a generator, which is most of my electrical items in my house with a run on hydrogen-powered electric generator. You see, it is not just for your car, you can use this concept forfor many things.
Convert your existing car is easy and if you are mechanically inclined, you will have a lot of fun doing it. Experiment to find the right combination of methods to bring out the highest lifetime earnings. Before you spend $ 25k on an ugly hybrid car, you owe it to yourself, check out a hydrogen conversion kit.