Poppy the Garden Flower - A Decoration Item

The beauty of Oriental Poppy as a garden flower is recognized by all, but many do not know to appreciate its value as a cut flower bloom. With a simple treatment of the cells, it can compete with a flower for decoration and shows, either alone or in combination with other flowers, is a consistent winner of blue ribbons.

Normally a poppy will begin soon after it is cut, since the milky sap seals the end of the stem and prevents the evaporation of water instead ofits petals. Singeing the end of the stem with a candle flame, immersion in boiling water or grinding is to prolong life.

To span the flowers fresh for their normal, you want to cut the stems of different lengths and they immediately brought into the gas or electric stove, hold the ends of the stems just above the flame and keep them there until the end and lights up like charred a coal, and the last two inches is well burned. This process takes between two and five minutes. Then place theFlowers into the water. They are from three days to a week, and the tribes, is never as flexible, or the leaves withered. Petals as they fall easily to the growing plant when they are old. The vase can even be set out in the sun without wilting.

Should for best results, fresh flowers are cut early in the morning when you are early enough, you have many flowers which have dropped, their green caps, but still find the process of developing their velvety petals. If youlater, and then choose flowers that have no pollen dust on their petals. When pollen dust is objectionable, the anthers with small scissors are removed.

Poppies can be cut in bud and sent to friends, if you see something new, you can see them. Burn the end of the stem in cold water for several hours, then put a pad of cotton wool around the end of the stem. Cover it with wax paper and keep a rubber band around it. There should be a bud that would open in a day orat least two, and that's a little difficult to assess because poppies do not show color, in advance of any showing by the side of color (is broken, and can continue for longer) for a week or unchanged before the opening. The only guide you have is that the mantle is thinner, a little drier and not quite so green when it is ready to break, too. With a little practice you will be able to judge it by the sense of the bud, which is slightly softer, but I think you're fine and larger flowers, by opening it up toon the plant. .

All Oriental Poppies make fine cut flowers, but there are a number of delicate pastel shades that are specifically good for flower arrangements, especially with the addition of Oriental Phalaenopsis orchids. Since some of these cutting delicate colors fade after a few hours of hot sun, I've always called it poppy. Exact color descriptions are very difficult to give.

All our modern Oriental Poppies have fine stiff stems, do not have those studs in the normalConditions, but if your situation is very windy or between tall plants are perennials, a ring peony support or a bamboo-packed game may be necessary to keep them straight.

Clean Drinking Water - Where Do You Find It?

Clean drinking water has become a precious commodity these days because more and more of our rivers are polluted and the water resources with all sorts of horrible contaminants.Gone the days of fresh, clear, natural, healthy and clean drinking water. This article discusses how you can have the purest water for you and your household.

Contaminated drinking water is the cause of death of millions of people in years gone by.Therestill a big problem today, especially in times of disasters.

The best times of our drinking water is terribly polluted with chemicals, parasites, poisons, drugs and disease.To overcome these problems and to ensure that the water is not suitable for humans to drink, disinfect the water. The cheapest and most popular option for this procedure is to destroy the poisonous chemical chlorine.The disinfected with chlorine to produce a range of effectiveContaminants but as soon as the chlorine comes into contact with organic substances in water are formed cancer compounds.

So we have it, we now have clean drinking water, but by no means, the purest drinking water. After the disinfection of water remains among other pollutants, thousands of cancer causing chemicals in tap water.

Not all parasites are either removed. The Center for Disease Control states theFollowing:

"Thirty percent of reported gastrointestinal illness in tap water drinkers were water related and preventable."

Lead is a major concern in tap water. This occurs somewhere between your drinking water your street and your taps.Lead is about old lead-lined pipes, solder or brass fittings included in your home.Brass and chrome fittings, type lead of 8 % to 15% lead. The U.S. EPA report said theFollowing:

"Every year in the U.S., lead in drinking water contributes to 480,000 cases of learning disorders in children and 560,000 cases of hypertension in adult men."

As you know from the above information, which will see only the tip of the iceberg, we can not rely on the governments that we are the purest drinking water. Bottled water is also not recommended because these schemes are limited. The quality is not much better than what youhave.So already, how can we solve this problem?

A water filter is needed to filter out these pollutants comes through your taps to keep your family and your pets healthy. Remember, if you are immune suppressed children or family members, they are more vulnerable to these pollutants because of their lighter body weight have.

Get up to speed before you purchase a water filter! There are several types on the market, but not all are effective.You must, in no smallsystem that is cost effective and filters out the largest range of contaminants at the highest level.

There you have it. I hope this article on clean drinking water has been of help to you. For more information on the purest drinking water please click on the link below.

Troubleshooting an In-Ground Pool Cleaner

My cleaner does not move

Cleaner depends on several factors in order to operate them. There must be enough water flow around the turbine. Use a vacuum gauge, the vacuum cleaner hose into the measure. They should 1 have "vacuum per section of hose.

Secondly, the four small "shoes" must be able to access the pool surface. Make sure that the "shoes" are not worn and that the surface of the pool is not slippery, because the structure of the algae. Note: Some algae isclearly, you have the underwater pool surface feel.

Thirdly, the shoes and "pods" are functioning properly. Any wear in the "drive" can lead to problems. Check for wear, hold down the left and right "pods" in your hands and try to rock the pods. All power to the pods should be to the turbine and no "game" should be entrusted to be clear.

As a test, hold the cleaner by the hose. Hold the cleaner under running water with the pump. Hold the cleaner from the groundthe pool and watch the cleaner should: rotate right - not rotate - rotate left - not rotate - rotate right - etc. All the while, it should enter the "pods" to. If you are under the cleaner and finish the pods can reach by hand, either there is excessive wear on internal parts or inadequate suction. Remember to check the vacuum reading before calling for help.

The hoses are twisting

Cleaner hoses can not be rolled up for storage. If you take it all wrapped up toSections apart, lay them straight, and let them outside for a whole day and night. Once the curls are removed, the tube should not be usable.

Detergent will not climb the wall of my vinyl liner pool

Depending on the angle of the pelvic floor to the walls of the pool cleaner can not climb in a position to "the" slope ". Picture the cleaner on the pool floor at the junction where the pool wall meets the bottom pointed at an angle (like the walls in your house.) The Cleanerwill not be able to make the transition, do not worry, it's not likely. Finally, the dirt is on the bottom.

The cleaner sticks at the steps

The hose might be too short.

Verify that the hose extends two full sections above the farthest point in the pool.
Check the return line (s) are not detrimental to the cleaning motion.
Use the vacuum gauge, the vacuum cleaner hose into the measure. You should be 1 inch per vacuumHose.
Check shoes, wings and flaps for wear.
Check the tailgate experts, and move them to the I-position.

As a test, hold the cleaner by the hose. Hold the cleaner under running water with the pump. Keep watching the cleaners from the bottom of the pool and the cleaner is the rotation: rotate right - select - turn left - not rotate - rotate right - etc. All the while, it should enter the "pods" to. If the cleaner does not do the "test" movements,Call Blue Haven Pools & Spas Supplies Direct.

My cleaner hovering above the pelvic

The cleaner is heavier than water, and should not swim.

Make sure that all the air was clean out of your head and hoses removed during installation.
Make sure that the hose extends two full sections above the farthest point in the pool.
Use the vacuum gauge, the vacuum cleaner hose into the measure. You should be 1 inch vacuum per section of the house.
Check the return line (s) are not detrimental to the cleaning or the cleaner hose.
Check for signs of air back into the pool via the return line (s). Using air bubbles attached to the cleaner hose and head. If present pull sharply on the cleaner hose to release air bubbles. Then, correct the source of the escaping air to float to avoid further damage ".

My cleaner moves slowly
Check shoes, wings and flaps for wear.
Check the obstacles in thethe cleaner.
Use the vacuum gauge, the vacuum cleaner hose into the measure. There should be 1 inch vacuum per section of hose. If the cleaner still moves slowly, call Blue Haven Pools & Spas Supplies Direct.

The pods will be at the front of the cleaner taken

The cleaner is sticking at the steps of or against a wall. See cleaner sticking at the steps above.

Cleaner rises to the surface and sucks the air
The vacuum is probably too high. Use theVacuum gauge for measuring the vacuum in the cleaner hose. You should be 1 inch vacuum per section of hose.
Check the tailgate experts, and move them to the I-position.
Check shoes, wings and flaps for wear.
As a test, hold the cleaner by the hose. Hold the cleaner under running water with the pump. Keep watching the cleaners from the bottom of the pool and the cleaner is the rotation: rotate right - select - turn left - not rotate - rotate right - etc. If the cleaner does not turn, call Blue Haven Pools & Spas Supplies Direct.

The reason for my cleaner is worn

The shoes are worn, and the vacuum in the cleaner hose is probably too high. Use the vacuum gauge, the vacuum cleaner hose into the measure. You should be 1 "each have a vacuum hose. Replace worn shoes.

The above is not on my clean

You will not be able to clean up when the cleaner is full of turn> Water. Drain the water from the cleaner head, and try to rotate the two top left and right - it could be to deposits in the aisles. If the top does not rotate, call Blue Haven Pools & Spas Supplies Direct.

Air comes into my pool when the cleaner is installed, and removes the remains after the cleaner is

There is a leak on the suction side of the filter that shows only when the system is stress. Ie - install your manual vacuum cleaner or an automaticvacuum cleaner. Check for obvious leaks at the pump housing, check the lid and o-ring. If the air persists, contact Blue Haven Pools & Spas Supplies Direct.

The flappers/wings have fallen off

There is excess wear on the bottom of the cleaner, and the wing hooks have probably broken off the pods. The shoes are worn, and the vacuum in the cleaner hose is probably too high. Use the vacuum gauge to measure the vacuum in the cleaner hose. You should have 1" of Replace each area of the vacuum hose. worn parts.

Window-Cleaning Tips

Stripes, spots and fingerprints, you are moaning along with me? Keeping a job can wash the windows, especially if you have small children in your home! They seem to especially love to touch the glass with sticky fingers and press the mouth and nose against her as well. Fortunately, there are some great window cleaning tips you can use to keep your glass spotless, streak-free, and shiny!

• This can be a shock, but to throw away paper towels, special windowCloths, and everything you thought was great for cleaning windows. The absolute best thing you can use is old paper! It cleans perfectly, without leaving streaks or stains. Simply spray a little water or your favorite window cleaner and a little ball of newspaper. Clean the windows in the same way would be with a cloth. You will see that the newspaper, the best window-cleaning tool that you used. A great thing to remember is that it is a good mirror imageFrames, too!

• If you want to avoid chemicals in your house (especially if you have children), water works and the window, such as chemicals is not clean! If you determine that a window is very difficult to get clean, try some vinegar and one part water in a spray bottle. Vinegar is a very good natural cleaner, and it's cheap and free from chemicals. It should be the job very well.

• When you paint, paste, or get a different kind ofFabric on your windows and try to the best dry cleaning, so you will find it to stop, you probably do not. Not only the hazardous chemicals, but with them trying to get things like this from is pretty useless. What you can use a razor blade. Of course, being very careful, tilt the blade so that it almost parallel to the surface of the window. You will then be tilted so that you arrive at the window in a very small angle. You can then use the sharp edge of a razor bladescrape the items out the window with small, short strokes. If you think that got away, use water or vinegar and water, thoroughly clean the windows.

• Crayon on the windows? This happens and it's actually a very simple way to increase this. Use a typical pencil eraser to remove the chalk. If that does not work, use something like a sponge or cloth to scrub it off, you try.

• Clean the window to the outside, with a sponge and soap, rinse then simplydry with a water hose or a pitcher of water. To avoid stains, she with a soft cloth. This will keep the windows from the outside, dirty, stained and gross looking, and it is easier to clean, wipe it in this way as syringes and every window!

These ideas will help you keep your windows clean and shiny!

Sailboat Diesel Secrets - Three Steps to Add Life to Your Small Cruising Sailboat Engine

Did you go through a step-by-step review of your sailboat diesel, before the "Home made"? Use these three simple steps, the year of life diesel workhorse add your boat.

Most small boat diesel mechanics will tell you that boat motors is abused more than any other type of motor. We sailors are often not run our auxiliary machinery and tough enough for long enough!

Diesel engines are running as hard. But many sailing skippers use their aid --to enter only a dock, un-dock, or the outcome of a marina - all at idle speeds.

After several years of light use, you will build diesel harmful deposits that can clog up injectors or rubber cylinder. Add life to your engine with these three easy steps:

1st Set up a timetable PM

Nobody knows your small diesel engine, like the people that they are together. Follow the manufacturer's recommended schedule of preventive maintenance, the letter. Look in your owner's manual to findHow often should oil, change filters, impeller, diesel and other engine components.

2nd Hire a Sailboat Diesel Wizard

Once a year, hire the best small diesel mechanic you can find for about two hours. Ask him or her go over the engine with a fine microscope. Ask questions, while they are on board. Learn everything you can. This is one of the best investments you ever make for under $ 200!

3rd stick to this seven-point inspection

Make this quick, easy, sevenPoint inspection every time before you get underway from a dock, mooring, or anchorage. It does not matter whether you are the checks on the night before. Something new might have come up since then. Catch small problems before they later became great now.

* Oil

With this double-dip technique. Pull the dip stick out and wipe. Push it all the way back, making it to the bottom of the sump. Pull it out and look at the oil paint. It should be black (or brownStriped water shows) in the oil. Smear oil on the fingers and shine a light on them. Signal internal granular material fatigue. Address problems immediately.

* Transmission.

Yes, it's a pain to check gear oil, but repairs are expensive if you do not. Be sure to use the double-dip method described above for accuracy. Most of the transmission dip stick screw into the fill hole, then screw it all the way down, if you sound of the tank. Remove it, check the leveland odor of the liquid. If it has a burned odor, you need the gear to be considered immediately.

* Cap and coolant fluid levels.

Remove the header tank cap, turn it over, and check the seal. Worn cap seals are not in a position to ensure a good seal. Replace the entire cap. Otherwise you will lose coolant. This could lead to overheating of the engine and lead to internal injuries. Stick your finger into the expansion tank (cold tank only!). Hold the liquid near the top of thefill.

* Belts and Hoses

Press the drive belt. To replace agencies or to the belt, which plays more than 1 / 2 inches. Feel hoses (cold only) for softness. Are you looking for cracks or wear. Broken belts and hoses immediately. Carry spare parts on board as part of your spare parts kit.

* Stuffing box (stuffing box)

Looking for excessive leaks at the shaft packing. More than a boat sank on a mooring or at anchor from a leaking stuffing box. Three or four drops per minute offerSmearing, but more than that you are telling the nuts loose or has taken the packaging material. You need to tighten more than two key-size that the nuts. If it still leaks, replace the packing material.

* Raw water and exhaust seacock

Make sure that the raw water seacock handles the raw water hose. This will open the valve, thereby cooling the engine. Once you start the engine, check the stringent exhaust pipe for a steady flowWater. Blockage points often caught in a raw water clogged filter or an object from the outside world from raw water intake.

* Test Battery Cables

Cable resolved when the boat pitches and rolls, or vibrates at sea. Check the connection at each battery terminal and on the side of the engine.


Add years of life and save $ $ $ in repair costs with these three simple steps. My sailboat diesel will reward you with smooth, reliable,starts-every-time service for many sailing season to come.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and the Fear of Permanent Nerve Damage

Some of the first symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are small pieces of numbness in the thumb and / or the first two fingers. People are concerned about this, but continue with their life and normal daily activities. When the numbness worse it is going to see that her doctor warned they risk permanent nerve damage.

Is that true?

To determine if this is true, we must answer two questions. Is there really damage to the nerves, and what exactly is permanentdoes this mean?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is actually damaging the nerve?

Three factors have happened for the normal person who uses their hands a lot and starts to get carpal tunnel symptoms of numbness and tingling

1st muscles and pull it tight to be constantly on their tendons.

2nd over time shrink Wraps, connective tissue and compressed.

3rd inflammation occurs, traps the fluid in the area.

These three factors to compress the nerve from a variety of directions. These cuts flow nerves. You get numbness and / or pins and needles.This does not mean that there is damage. This means that the nerve is pressed on.

Could theoretically, if the nerve was compressed long enough damage there, but I have on the people who worked for years to deafness, even a decade, and when we returned with the pressure off the nerves, full feeling came almost immediately.

When you step on a> Water hose, it slows or stops flowing, the nerves. What happens when your foot? When you step on the hose, it means that the hose is damaged? Permanently?

What exactly do doctors mean when they say, permanent nerve damage?

Doctors mean exactly what they say. They fear that you will have permanent nerve damage. It is my professional opinion that it is very wrong.

I have the impression that the doctors believe thatNumbness in the thumb and fingers is a serious problem. It is also my impression that they think that this can cause permanent numbness due to damage. I'm not sure exactly why that is.

One reason is because it seems that the doctors do not know how the problem that caused the deafness vice versa. The usual methods do not work, so the last resort is surgery. Which is technically the nerve to give more space. Transient.

What you should tell doctors that you are in dangerconstant pressure on the nerve that causes deafness.

And it's true, it can become permanent if you are not doing the right things to reverse the momentum that causes all the compression of the nerves. (And it's not all on the wrist.)

Deafness due to compression caused no damage. Certainly serious cases of extreme compression can, but that's not the case for the vast majority of people with normal everyday carpal tunnel.

Numbness comes from compression. And it is onlypermanent, as long as compression. You remove the compression and nerve flow returns.

I mean, have you ever stepped on a water hose and someone had to explain: "The water hose needs surgery or will have permanent damage!"