Converting Your Car To Run On Water - It's Not As Hard As You Think

My father was a life long mechanic, so I grew up in the garage tinkering with his tools. At an early age of 7 years, I have next to his brand new lawnmower. He was so angry, but he did not punish me. No, it was his idea of punishment, so I saw him back together. So I did, and it actually ran. I am always looking for something to boost my car's performance or to get more gasoline consumption. I even tried gas pills with some success. But I wanted to double my fuel economy is not only 10-20 percentincrease.

There is much talk of hydrogen and fuel cell technology. Many city buses with fuel cell propulsion. The space shuttle fuel used. A normal petrol engine can burn hydrogen. So it is not take a rocket scientist to figure out that if our existing vehicles would be able to power this technology, we are much better off.

What we need is a way to bolt on some sort of device to our current vehicles, which would increase fuel economy and reduce emissions. OneDay I decided to go and find a way to do this. I searched the whole day on Google and saw dozens of terms. I found only that you could actually buy and strap it on yourself. I do not understand it. We know the technology works, that's undeniable. Why is it not available?

Let me tell you a story. It is one of rampant corruption, income protection and government scandal. The story goes thus. Oil companies have to protect massive profits. In the amount of$ 15 - $ 20 billion U.S. dollars per month. Our government in the United States to help them protect their businesses by offering our access to and use of alternative fuels. For example, it is actually illegal for you fuel for use in automotive production. These include bio-diesel, have waste vegetable oil, alcohol, methanol, corn fuel, sugar beet fuel, etc. They have a special license and you must pay taxes on fuel is produced and consumed. Finally, the U.S. government provides 18 billion U.S. dollarsDollars per year in subsidies for oil companies. Riddle me this, why, when they are already) is now the 100 billion U.S. dollars to be paid in one years of profit (after all costs, they still need government subsidy? Should that not be spent 18 billion U.S. dollars per year for alternative energy companies? That part is really scandalous, can alternative energy companies such as solar, wind, hydrogen, etc, do not receive government subsidies.

The reason hydrogen technology will be dampened because of an importantConcept that you need to understand that. Taxes. You can see, not the government from tax something that falls from the sky (water). You can not tax something that is out of your water hose. Thus, hydrogen is subject to, until hell freezes over. A significant part of revenue, or pays roads and improvements come from fuel taxes. Not to mention you are messing with $ 100 billion U.S. dollars a few very large companies profits.

The technology is there, it can be appliedfrom anyone who can use a screwdriver and a spanner. It is not rocket science. Nor is it dangerous to install or operate. You owe it to yourself to explore this exciting technology [ water-as-well-as-fuel-double-your-kilometer]. I am planning to build a generator, which is most of my electrical items in my house with a run on hydrogen-powered electric generator. You see, it is not just for your car, you can use this concept forfor many things.

Convert your existing car is easy and if you are mechanically inclined, you will have a lot of fun doing it. Experiment to find the right combination of methods to bring out the highest lifetime earnings. Before you spend $ 25k on an ugly hybrid car, you owe it to yourself, check out a hydrogen conversion kit.

Home Water Filters and How Do Home Water Filters Work?

There are many different home water filters, you can choose if you want to contaminate free water. You need a little research before you buy one, but the process is not difficult. The question you have yourself a few questions as you want all your water with a filtering device, or you want more than one device, the filter at the point of use. You can also ask about how you work from home water filters.

If you want to filter all the water with aUnit, one would be a whole house water filter system. This is usually at the main water supply in the house is, or building you want to filter. There are various types available, including reverse osmosis, steam-water distillers and activated carbon filters, and others.

Include point-of-use models, filters in refrigerators, where the water is dispensed on the refrigerator door, jugs of water filters include water sportsBottles with filters, under counter water filter, countertop water filter, shower water filter.

Before you buy, you must decide whether a pitcher or water bottle full of water should be filtered at the time, or you want a filter, the filter is continuously glasses at once. The pitchers and sports water bottle filters are portable, so that they have the advantage when the other kind of filter more water, without changingFilter. You need to know how much water you filter at a time.

If you are having versus counter counter top, you must decide to stay where you want the filter. If you are limited in counter space, you can under the counter water filter.

If you're like me and just moved into a new house with a new counter top and sink, do not go through the extra hole with a water hose and you have a lotcounter space, you may agree with your husband that it is easier to have the counter top model, instead of trying to talk him into putting another whole in the counter. Of course maybe you planned ahead, and had that extra hole put it, which obviously I (or my husband!) missed when putting in the kitchen sink.

When asking how do home water filters work, we will look at the three types I mentioned. The steam water distillers boil the water. The pure steam lifts away cooled from the impurities and is in a separate container, while the impurities in the boiler tank, and then thrown out the window.

Reverse osmosis works by forcing water under high pressure through a semipermeable membrane or a series of membranes. The smaller the pores get away with less polluted, but only things that are heavier than water molecules from the water filtered, ie, some chemicals may still be inthe water after passing through the reverse osmosis system.

Both distilled water and reverse osmosis system filters the trace elements in water that are beneficial to your health and helps to keep the body in balance.

With a carbon filter, the water either by granular carbon-carbon or a block of sediment, microorganisms passed away, and organic compounds. Depending on the size and quality of the device, passing the waterto 7 or 8 layers of filters, more and more pollution.

Now you know the basics of working, such as water filters at home, and you know the different types of home water filters. Now you must act on this knowledge and to buy a home water filter for your home, so you can not drink contaminated water for better health.

Water 4 Gas Or Fuel - How to Save Money

Until now you have the news about American gas belongs to rising costs of up to $ 4 per gallon. Perhaps, if these costs are sustainable for some time, we would be able to tighten our belts and distribute. But it is shocking news, some experts predicted gas may hit $ 6 for each gallon, finally!

How To Save Money On Gas
With 4-gas-water technology, there is no obligation to buy a new car, and you can convert your current vehicle, this method with theIntention, you can save money on gas and get better mileage on the car. 4-gas-water technology is a conversion kit that you convert car to HHO or brown or fuel oil can be operated.

Promoting water electrically from a car battery creates gas. Brown's Gas or HHO car fuel consumption reduced and others will help you save around 40% on gas. After calculating these substantial savings from the current $ 4.05 is for each gallon of gasoline.

As this systemWorks
The safety of Brown's Gas HHO else is definitely not and must not be a concern. Water conversion kit guides you through the step by step instructions on how turn car in "water run lead car." Currently, you can click on the next car, run on pure water, the million-dollar prototype check vehicle. There is no realistic water-powered car for the masses still exist, but we are sure that this gas disaster move this idea further, faster.

TheGood DIY kits is that you will be made available detailed plans showing how the engine will run on the water. It is based on sound scientific basis. The water mixed with baking powder is what is Brown's gas, when connected to the battery properly, creates enough energy to spare, they actually run your car. As a result, it is not clean water, but mix to make the gas in the car to a hybrid type.

Benefits of Brown Gas
What is actuallyamazing is how easy it is to be held jointly. The kit uses ordinary glasses and hoses that can be purchased at the local hardware store. Some kits contain everything you need, which means everything you need to do is place it together.

Nobody can tell you exactly how much money you save on gas, but there are some positive reports on significant savings from the people who installed the kit are water as fuel. Another advantage is that Brown's Gas or HHO is betterfor engine and environment.
Water conversion kit comes with complete instructions on the components that you will be to manage change this. The costs can not be more than sixty dollars. For sixty bucks are, you save so much more from gas pump. The substance in water conversion kit includes soda, tubing, containers, is closed and you will also contain water. You get wiring from the local home depot.

Roof Stains

It was not long that you install a new roof. It looked so beautiful and colorful. Even before you are ready to admire, you will see that the roof has begun to appear dull and lifeless. There are stains on the roof that are visible, even from afar. There are several reasons for these spots will appear in a new roof.

Why are stains?

Usually people think that nature has caused the roof to develop spots. They believe that the birds weather, pine needlesthe trees or cause the color of the roof. But it is not true. The truth is that airborne spores, such as fungi, algae or mold cause these spots. The innocent look microscopic spores fall on the roof and multiply gradually. Over a period of time, they appear as spots to the human eye. The lime stones that are present in the base asphalt shingles provide a perfect breeding ground and food source for these spores, and develop it really fast.

It is quite common to findRoof stains on the areas of the house, in the shadow of the pigtail or the north. The reason for this phenomenon is that the area that is wet is vulnerable to contamination. Sunshine is not possible to grow the spores. A moist environment is ideal for cultivation of spores. It is important that these roof stains treated in time, otherwise they will lead is to the cracking, drying or curling of the shingles and destroying it permanently.

Roof Stains

neverClean your roof with chlorine bleach chlorine bleach, because the surface of roofs and the plants that it comes into contact with damage. Chlorine bleach only cleans the outer surface, but does not really offer a prevention for future growth. Thus, within 2 years or so, algae can grow again and again, the roof again appear in color.

Another important point that you always keep in mind that you should start cleaning and washing of the upper part of the roof. The water that you should spray for the cleaning of the shingles to inject in a downward direction and not in the upward direction.

There is a very simple reason behind this basic precautions. If you spray the water from below, then obtain spray of water under the shingles, through the gaps. So it can leak into the house. Imagine creating a further problem in trying to solve the former! You should also remember, with simple> Water hose to spray the water. You should not trade waiter pressure on the roof clean because the high power and the pressure will destroy definitely clean the stains, but the surface of the shingles on a permanent basis. The pressure of commercial discs is so high that it can ruin the whole roof.

At the end of everything to ensure that none of the shingles were destroyed. If you have a cracked or curled shingles, get it replacedimmediately for the proper maintenance of the roof.