Aircraft Hanger Rain Water Collection to Wash Aircraft - Cost to Collect Water

Water is a precious commodity and as the population does not grow the valuable water resources, because there are more people who know a limited amount or sometimes even less during periods of drought. One recent architect asked whether it is possible to collect the rain water from an airplane Hanger for reuse as wash water to aircraft?

Surely this is possible, in Texas, where he is, they have received a good amount of rain. It is therefore useful to collect themRain water. But how much does it cost to collect? Well, a 250 gallons water tank costs about $ 350.00 at an agricultural supply company. Running taps, filter over $ 50.00 and the tank must be on the ground by the weight of 8.2 kilograms per gallon will be mounted. So you have a transfer pump, electric hand crank, or $ 75.00 over $ 60.00

First, you need a pressure washer when you clean on the airplane in the hangar. Each of the 50 meter hose is about $ 28.00 andcheapest electric pressure washer, that a really reliable over $ 125.00 and higher.

Lab you will run pretty much, I suppose, as much or more than the cost. In San Antonio there is a company called Industrial Equipment Specialties, they are just south of Seguin. They are a Hydrotek, Hotsy and Landa dealers and coin-op washers and probably gives you access to all components and you could be a better total installed price? Or you can do it down and dirty on yourthemselves and save money, "Home Depot is"

Most hanger'ed Aircraft must be washed every other week or wiped weekly wash with fresh water every month. When flown at during the two weeks they must be washed after every flight and fresh water after 3 takeoffs and landings in salt water or every other week, if you wipe a lot of flying. All of this is probably too high for your project to kill, but I hope some of it is the value of the other go ahead and pass onYour client, if you think it could help them.

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